Friday 9 March 2012

It begins!

A little introduction~

As with any project, starting a new blog is a little daunting for anyone, be they a veteran sharer of opinions on the net, or merely a curious surfer with some tips of their trades, but anyone and everyone can do it.

As a regular forum user I'm already used to throwing my thoughts out to the world, but never on their own dedicated page.

So here I tentatively introduce -
Warm Embers.

A blog of tips, tricks, opinions and advice from the slightly overwhelmed but ever whimsical.

I hope to spend my time here sharing all sorts of wondrous majiggers, including hand made jewellery, artwork, nail and beauty tips and, of course, embracing my nerdtacular side with video game entries. Huzzah!

So join me in my mini-adventure, that I hope will someday become an epic journey of dragontastic proportions, and enjoy the wonders of the world, the Internet and life through the eyes of a girl as she levels up and hopefully learns new moves.

1 comment:

  1. Hey nice new blog, I like your background how each Charmander connects with the one before it :D

    Looking forward to future entries! Hope you're doing well back in Brighton.
